C4HL3019001 / C4HL3019022
ITEM CODE: C4HL3019001
TUBE SIZE (mm): 30x37x225
P W(g): 389.5/408.5, 351.5/541.5, 370.5
C4HL3019001: purple dalhia with white strobe with strobe tail.
C4HL3019002: red green blue peony and white strobe pistil w/silver strobe tail.
C4HL3019003: variegated strobe w/whistle sound.
C4HL3019004: orange wave tail purple dalhia + green strobe.
C4HL3019005: white strobe willow with orange with orange tail.
C4HL3019006: red poeny and red strobe tail.
C4HL3019007: red & blue peony w/red strobe tail.
C4HL3019008: yellow poeny with silver coconut pistil and yellow comet with silver strobe tail.
C4HL3019009: row blue star & red star & yellow star &silver crackling willow.
C4HL3019010: golden strobe w/golden twinbling tail.
C4HL3019011: brocade crown w/ golden strobe tail.
C4HL3019012: silver spinner w/yellow coco/ blue tail & silver crackling.
C4HL3019013: purple dalhia + blue poeny with purple tail. red dalhia + green poeny with red tail. blue dalhia + yellow poeny with blue tail. yellow dalhia + red poeny with yellow tail. green dalhia + purple poeny with green tail. silver dalhia + colorfull poeny and white strobe tail.
C4HL3019014: purple poeny w/orange mine. lemon poeny w/blue mine. pink poeny w/lemon mine. blue poeny w/green mine. color poeny w/strobe silver mine.
C4HL3019015: strobe willow.
C4HL3019016: crackling w/crackling bouquet.
C4HL3019017: tit chrys w/ chrys mine.
C4HL3019018: glittering silver willow w/silver strobe tail.
C4HL3019019: color poeny w/ tit chrys mine w/silver spinner tail.
C4HL3019020: mixed red fish / red tail green fish / green tail.
C4HL3019021: red green color falling leaves with blue mine.
C4HL3019022: color falling leaves.red light tail spit red falling leaves with blue pearl.
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