C4HL3036001 / C4HL3036020

ITEM CODE: C4HL3036001 / C4HL3036020

TUBE SIZE (mm): 30x37x225


P W(g): 702/666 774/738





C4HL3036001: white peony and white comet.
C4HL3036002: red peony w/red tail.
C4HL3036003: green peony w/green tail.
C4HL3036004: blue peony w/blue tail.
C4HL3036005: purple peony w/purple tail.
C4HL3036006: yellow peony w/yellow tail.
C4HL3036007: pink peony w/pink tail.
C4HL3036008: orange peony w/orange tail.
C4HL3036009: lemon peony w/lemon tail
C4HL3036010: color dalhia + white strobe w/white strobe tail. color dahlia + green strobe w/green strobe tail. C4HL3036011: color dalhia + white strobe w/color tail. purple dalhia + white strobe w/ orange tail. blue dalhia + white strobe w/green tail. orange dalhia + white strobe w/purple tail. lemon dalhia + white strobe w/blue tail. green dalhia + white strobe w/red tail. color dalhia + white strobe w/silver strobe tail.
C4HL3036012: strong whisthing and titanium salute. together strong whisthing w/silver tail. together crackling w/crackling bouquetl. together strong whisthing w/silver tail. together crackling w/crackling bouquet. together strong whisting w/silver tail. together silver tail and titanium salute.
C4HL3036013: butterfly w/red strobe, red strobe willow + blue peony w/blue light tail. color poeny w/silver strobe mine. time rain willow w/orange dahlia w/green mine. crackling w/crackling tail. red coconut tree + white strobe w/red tail w/crackling mine.
C4HL3036014: silver wave coco pistil red peony, silver wave coco pistil green peony, silver wave coco pistil purple peony. silver wave coco pistil lemon peony, silver wave coco pistil blue peony, silver wave coco pistil color peony.
C4HL3036015: golden strobe crown.
C4HL3036016: brocade crown / golden strobe tail.
C4HL3036017: crackling with crackling tail+ti chrys.
C4HL3036018: purple coconut banger w/ crackling bouquet.
C4HL3036019: colorfull falling leaves. blue light tail spit blue pearl with red green color falling leaves
C4HL3036020: Color flying fish w/color tail. silver tail silver fly fish. red tail red fly fish green tail green fly fish.


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